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Denis Ciobanu

Wednesday, 05.02.2025, 16:05

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The Chisinaus Triumphal Arch

This construction has several names: Sacred Gate, the Arch of Glory, and the Triumphal Arch. The height of the Arch is 13 meters; it was built in 1840 and became the embellishment of the main street of Chisinau.

The bottom of the Arch consists of two-sided pedestrian passes and it is designed in Corinthian style. The head level is decorated in Classical style. Under a dome of the Arch a massive bell (6,4 tons by weight) is suspended, and at the gable a chiming clock is built-in.

The history of the Arch construction is quite interesting. The governor-general of Besarabia M. Vorontsov has addressed to the Russian emperor Nikolay the First, with the petition to apportion 1500 poods of copper to cast the bells for the Chisinau Cathedral . And Tsar has gifted to the Cathedral several Turkish guns, which were taken as a trophy during the Russian-Turkish war.

These guns were located in Izmail fortress. It was inconvenient to take the guns to Moscow or Kiev in order to cast the bells: for the transportation of such number of the guns through impassability of roads, much time and a lot of money would be required. In order to avoid delays and expenses, it was decided to cast the bells in Izmail. For that a bell cast master Vasily Losenko from Kiev has been invited to the fortress.

In a court yard of the fortress a smelting furnace and forms for the bells casting have been built, and Vasily Losenko has created five excellent bells for Chisinau: a giant bell in 400 poods by weight, the second bell - 200 poods, the third - 100 poods, the fourth- 50, and last, the smallest, - 25 poods.

Meanwhile by order of the count Vorontsov the roads connecting Izmail with Chisinau have been repaired. Military department has developed the most convenient route of transportation of a booming cargo to Basarabia. Bells have been loaded on the special carts and have been carted to Chisinau. When they have been delivered to the capital, it was discovered, that the windows of the belfry are too narrow for the giant bell.

Then came an idea «to make a special extension for this bell, so that both the bell and the city clock could be placed under the Arch ».

The city administration has decided to construct the Arch, which should become simultaneously a belfry, a triumphal construction in honor of victories of Russian army over Turkish, and the entrance to the cathedral park.

The project of the Arch has been worked out by the architect Luka Zaushkevich, who has taken the project of the Triumphal Arch in Rome as a model for his creation. The bell has been lifted and fixed on the Arch, which was still under construction on August 3, 1839. The big clock has been made in Austria. For maintenance on the clock the eparchial heads, and later – the Municipal Duma paid out 200 roubles. This money was handed over to the one of the best watchmakers of the city, who had the honorary right to control maintenance on the clock.

The oldest church of Chisinau

Church “Blessed Virgin Birth” is the oldest in the city, long since known as Mazarakievskaya Church. The building of the church has been built in 1757, admittedly by Vasily Mazaraki - the military official and the treasurer.

There is an interesting legend about the history of the Mazarakievskaya church creation. The legend says, that a denunciation of Mazaraki have been written, and the treasurer has received the order to arrive immediately to Bendery to the Turkish governor. At those days, those who arrived to the Bendery fortress haven’t return alive. Departing to the court, Mazaraki has taken an oath to build a church if he returns alive. He has been justified and has executed his vow.

The church, which works from the date of its foundation, was reconstructed more than once. After the reconstruction realized at the beginning of the 19th century, a bell tower has been attached to the churche. Now it looks almost like the days when it was built - the building has kept the patterns of the old Moldavian boyars churches style of the 18th century. From the outside the church looks severely: only the portal is decorated with a modest Gothic fretwork, which is a valuable sample of the medieval carving.

Internal rooms have a vaulted-domical covering, its height raises as approaching to the altar zone, where a big iconostasis is located. The interior of the church is picturesque due to treatments of light and shade, which emphasize dimensions of the domical vaults.

The Mazarakievskaya church is situated on the right bank of the river Bik (str. Mazaraki, 3). It towers above an ancient spring which gave the name to our city. In fact, the old Romanian word "Chisinau", for a long time not used by the native speakers of this language, means «a spring». During his exile in Chisinau A.Pushkin liked to have a rest near this spring: he lived near to the church, at the house of the general Inzov.

Since 60th, after passing into the control of an Old believe Christian society, during the consecration, the church has got the name “The Protection of the Virgin”. Now the crosses of the small ancient church, joyfully gleaming in the sun, are reflected in the windows of the big houses which have surrounded the temple, as if protecting it from something.

Cathedral - the main temple of the city

The Christmas Cathedral has been built in 1830-36 by the initiative of Bessarabian metropolitan Gavriil Banulesku-Bodoni. The project of the temple has been worked out by architect A.Melnikov (1784 - 1854).

In accordance with the general development plan of the city, the Cathedral and a four-level bell tower have been placed in the central park, on the same line with Metropolitan building, located in the western part of the Chisinau main street.

The building of the Cathedral has been built in Russian classicism style. It stands out for the four-frontal classical central structure. To the four fronts adjoin the six-columned porticoes with corner pediments. Originally internal walls of the Cathedral have been decorated with frescos.

In June 1941 the building has been partially destroyed because of the bombardments, and restoration of the Cathedral has began the same year in September. G. Cupcea ran the restoration of the building. In December 1942 the restorers have started the reconstruction of the first part of the Cathedral’s internal wall paintings. Among the workers there was professor I. Stefenescu, artist I.Steriadi, the professor of the Academy of Arts in Bucharest.

At night on December 22, 1962 by the order of the city administration the bell tower, which was a part of the Cathedral, has been blown up. In the building of the temple, church services have been stopped, and it has become the exhibition center of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR.

The building has been returned to church only in 1989-91. And in January 1992 the speeded up reconstruction of the building have begun.

On November 3, 1995 the president of Moldova Mircea Snegur has signed the decree «About the accelerating of the restoration of the group of buildings «The Christmas Cathedral» in Chisinau». And on August 25, 1996 the restoration of the Cathedral has been finished. The same day a cross of the Cathedral has been consecrated and placed, and restoration of the bell tower was started.

Now thousands of believers visit the Cathedral, and in the days of church holidays over the city sound the chime from the new-built bell tower of the Cathedral. The buildings of the Christmas Cathedral are the embellishment of Chisinau and a symbol of the faith that never leaves its inhabitants.

Saint Panteilemon Churh

At the corner of 31 August and Vlaicu Pircalab streets, in the very heart of Chisinau, the church of Saint Panteleimon is located. The edifice of the church is constructed under the project of architect A. Bernardazzi in 1981. This temple, created in the neobysantine style, represents a very interesting monument of architecture of the 19-th century. Already in 1892 the church was included in the number of few constructions, which have been distinguished by the architectural community of Russia.

The church has been built with the support of brothers Ioann and Victor Sinadino, honorable citizens of Chisinau. This cruciform temple was raised due to their donations.

A design particularity of the church’s edifice is not only its plan, having the form of a cross with equal branches, but also a pair of contralateral arches, which cover the central part of the edifice’s area. These arches form a basis for the octahedral light drum, ending with a dome, which gives to the church a rare and exciting beauty. The second dome rises above the church’s bell tower.

The skillful use of the construction materials is charming. In combination with the edifice’s architecture it gives the temple solemnity and stateliness. The front of the church looks elegant due to the original facing stone laying. The laying is organized in horizontal stripes, alternating on tone – two lines of light stone and a line of dark one.

The edifice of the church is embellished with decorative columns, colored tambours, and stained-glass windows. The stone support of the graceful metal fencing is crowned with bas-reliefs of lion heads.

In the 60’s of the 20-th the hall of wine tasting century has been placed in the church’s edifice. Saint Panteleimon Church began to work again only after year 1992.

Despite the fact that the church is placed in the very center of the capital, the city noise disturbes the sacred silence around it very seldom. And the temple, plunged into the verdure of the old trees, allures the citizens with its serenity and appeasement.

Organ hall

Current Organ Hall building (126 Stefan cel Mare Blvd.) has not always been a realm of music and art. Since 1903 clergymen have settled there. First it was the so-called Priests’ Lending House. It was an organization that provided assistance to clergymen when they fell on hard times and provided benefits to them in various areas of public life.

However, the Lending House did not have large amounts at its disposal and its financial activities were limited. For this reason in 1922 the Eparchial Congress decided to transform the Lending House into the Bank of Bessarabian Orthodox Clergymen. The transformation took place on July 1, 1922. The former Lending House acquired an important status, having become a Bank, and launched wide financial activities.

Though the Bank staff consisted only of four people: director, deputy director, and two employees (history did not preserve any information about guards), the Bank was successful. Its main objective was to extend large concessional loans to clergymen, teachers of church schools and other theological institutions, clergymen’s widows and orphans, church communes, and monasteries. Loans were secured with immovable property at 12 percent annual interest. Also, the Bank provided assistance with the construction of churches, houses for clergymen, church schools, and orphanages, and planting of orchards and vineyards on church lands.

The Bank also accepted deposits from clergymen and individuals representing churches, monasteries, and other church institutions. The Bank’s profit was used for cultural purposes and charities. The general meeting of Bessarabian Clergymen Council decided how to spend the money the Bank made.

When the building was used as a bank, its amazing acoustics remained untapped. Now the only Chisinau’s Organ Hall is situated in the building where the Bessarabian Orthodox church’s funds were once concentrated.

Memorial of military glory

The Memorial of military glory is one of the most impressing monuments of the capital. It is situated in the area of the Military memorial cemetery, in the downtown. The monument has been built in memory of the soldiers, who have perished in action for Chisinau deliverance from fascist aggressors during the World War II (1941-45).

The memorial has been built according to the project of the sculptors A.Mayko and I.Ponyatovskii and architect A.Minaev. Its opening has taken place on May, 9, 1975, in the day of the 30-years anniversary of the Victory celebration.

In the central part of the memorial there is a majestic 25 meters height pyramid of red stone. Five beams of the pyramid represent the stylized image of the rifles. At the basis of the pyramid burns the Eternal fire, which has been lit from the Eternal fire at the old military cemetery. Tongues of eternal flame remind the inhabitants of Chisinau of those who perished, fighting for the freedom of the native land.

Along the northwest side of the memorial are placed 6 stones – the steles, at which the compositions symbolizing several stages of the war from it beginning till the Victory Day are cut. At the bottom of the steles, along the alley, 155 marble slabs with names of the perished soldiers are placed.

The big territory of the memorial is divided into the sector of military burial places and the area paved by white stone plates. At this area one more monument was recently placed. This sculptural composition is dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who perished for the independence of Moldova.

The inhabitants of Chisinau have a good tradition: the newly wedded have to come to the memorial on a wedding day in order to lay the flowers on the monument. And in the Victory Day on May 9, veterans of war and their descendants come together at the territory of the memorial.

The monuments of Chisinau

Every nation carefully keeps in mind the significant events of its history, immortalizing them in stone and metal. The more the appreciation of the persons or events with which the monument is connected changes, the more interesting and instructive their history for the future generations is.


Monument to the Moldavian king Stefan cel Mare

At the front entrance of the Stefan cel Mare park there is installed the monument to the famous Moldavian king Stefan cel Mare. The monument was unveiled in 1928. It was cast in bronze under the project of the Chisinau sculptor Alexander Plamadiala.

The destiny of the Stefan cel Mare monument in Chisinau, is not less mysterious and dramatic, than destiny of the king itself.

In 1923 it was offered to A. Plamadiala to develop the project of Stefan cel Mare monument. Searching for a portrait of Stefan cel Mare he had to travel through a number of monasteries and in the Humorian, which is situated at the territory of modern Romania, he has found out a miniature dated on 1475, where Stefan cel Mare is pictured from nature. This image Plamadiala has taken as a basis for work above the portrait.

In 1940 one of the Romanian generals, furious admirer of Stefan cel Mare, has insisted to remove the monument and transport it to the Romania. The monument was mounted in the Vasluy town, near the saint Ioan’s church, which was constructed by Stefan cel Mare. In Chisinau the pedestal manufactured by A. Plamadiala has been blown up.

In 1942 the monument has been returned to Chisinau, and in 1944 it has been sent back to Romania. In 1945 the A. Plamadiala apprentice, sculptor K.S.Kobizeva, accidentally found it in a park. She informed colonel Voroshilov about this. In a short time the monument has been sent to Chisinau.

On June 23, 1945 the question on restoration of the monument has been discussed. It was one of the first objects restored in post-war Chisinau.

Classics Alley

Classics Alley is the sculptural complex in the Stefan cel Mare Park. Bonze busts of Moldovan writers and thinkers are installed on both parts of the alley. This alley is the favorite rest place of the Chisinau citizens and guests. Here you may see the monuments to the famous personalities: M.Eminescu, B.P. Hasdeu, N. Milescu-Spataru, V. Alecsandri, A. Mateevici, I. Creanga, etc.

The A. S. Pushkin's monument

In the history of city park there is one speciappeared in 1860s. However, at that period it was impossible to accomplish, although the necesl page, and it is related to the A.S.Pushkin. Intention to build in Chisinau a monument to the great Russian poet asary means have been collected. In 1880 citizens have returned to cherished dream and have addressed to the academician A.M.Opekushin, the outstanding Russian sculptor, with the request to sculpture for city the monument to A.S.Pushkin. At that time the sculptor worked above the similar monument for Moscow. Here are the few words from the sculptor’s answer: "Let me offer you an enormous bust, i.e. the head of the equal size and from the same model as from Pushkin’s statue in Moscow ".

In 1881 A.M.Opekushin executed the poet’s bust and it has been delivered to Chisinau by train. Later under the sculptor’s supervision the granite column with a pedestal has been cut. Within 1881-1885 the special commission was engaged in a construction of a monument. On the 26th of May 1885, at the poet’s birthday, in presence of a huge crowd of citizens and visitors the monument was unveiled in one of lateral allies of the park. Originally it has been surrounded with chains, as testify the photos and engravings of that time.

In the middle of the 50’s the monument was moved to the center of the park and was installed on the axe of the Classics Alley. It was one of the first monuments to the Great Russian poet, which top part is an exact copy of the statue established in the center of Moscow.